Optical smoke detector with isolator, Design 01-white
Optical smoke detector for Loop 3000 with 2 optical sensors for earliest fire detection and indication and with bidirectional isolator according to EN 54-7 and EN 54-17
Optical smoke detector with isolator, Design 05-silver
Optical smoke detector for Loop 3000 with 2 optical sensors for earliest fire detection and indication and with bidirectional isolator according to EN 54-7 and EN 54-17
Optical smoke detector with isolator, design 05-white
Optical smoke detector for Loop 3000 with two optical sensors for earliest fire detection and indication and with bidirectional isolator according to EN 54-7 and EN 54-17
Optical smoke detector for conventional systems with an optical measurement method for earliest fire detection and indication according to DIN EN 54-7. Round glass design
Optical smoke detector for conventional systems with an optical measurement method for earliest fire detection and indication according to DIN EN 54-7. Round glass design
Optical smoke detector with isolator, Design 01-black
Optical smoke detector for Loop 3000 with 2 optical sensors for earliest fire detection and indication and with bidirectional isolator according to EN 54-7 and EN 54-17
Intelligent Input / Output module mini for the Loop 3000 with bidirectional isolator for the integration in special detectors and externally connected modules according to EN 54-18. Including one moni
Thermischer Melder mit Differential- und Maximal-Ansprechverhalten für Loop3000 zur Brandfrüherkennung und -meldung in schwierigen Umgebungsbedingungen, mit zwei Thermosensoren und bidirektionalem Iso