Wustermark Primary School
At a primary school in Wustermark, a municipality in Brandenburg, Germany, the DC3500 from Detectomat is now being used to ensure reliable and comprehensive fire protection.
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Theodor Heuss secondary school in Wolfenbüttel
The first major project with the dc3500 was successfully realized in Wolfenbüttel.
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Theodor Heuss secondary school in Wolfenbüttel
The first major project involving the DC3500 has been completed successfully in Wolfenbüttel. At the Theodor Heuss secondary school, the system is now providing fire protection and is ready for future upgrades.
The first major project involving the DC3500 has been a resounding success. The system is now providing protection against fires at the Theodor Heuss secondary school in Wolfenbüttel, Germany. In order to avoid any disruption during term time, the system was installed, tested and put into operation during the autumn holidays – in other words, in a period of roughly two weeks.
The system was installed by the company Essner, whose director Christian Essner is well and truly won over by our technology: “The DC3500 has a wealth of intrinsic qualities that make it ideal for use in the school environment. It can be controlled centrally via a touch pad, which means it is exceptionally user friendly. This makes all the difference when the building service needs to switch the system on and off, for instance if practical experiments involving smoke are being conducted during a Physics lesson. But the most important factor is that the system can be upgraded and expanded in a virtually unlimited number of ways, and the various detector zones are freely configurable.” To sum it up, it’s a system you can rely on.
The services offered by Essner GmbH include planning, project design and the implementation of national and international projects, as well as providing ongoing customer support. Essner GmbH is certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 and satisfies the requirements of DIN 14675:2003-11.

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